Well hello, Mein Lieber Freunde (that's yer actual German, you know) Well three words of it anyway. His nibs came home last week and said, "There's someone in Germany I have to go and see about business." So off we jolly well went. As you can see from the picture we went to Frankfurt and we had a few hours for ourselves so I thought we'd better start as I intended to continue. This looked like the sort of wine barrel that would keep me going for a while. What about me? Who? You? Na, there's not enough for two of us. Find yer own barrel. Thanks a lot, given that I found you that one.
Frankfurt is on the Main and the river flows through the city and not far downstream into the Rhine. Here I am on a footbridge over the river. There are some very tall buildings and some quite big boats too.
It's Ann's birthday to-morrow so we were out looking for something for a wee prezzie and I found this bear blowing bubbles. Old spoilsport wouldn't bring him home. He is a bit big and he has his own hug. Well harrumph is all I can say, though we did find a little somebear to liberate.
After all the trawling around it was time for a little something and when in Germany...A nice pair of white sausages with mustard and a pretzel really hit the mark as you can see.
Then we had to trawl out of town so he could busify himself - yawn.. but then in the evening we hit the town. Now that glass of wine was yummy and naturally had to be followed by another to go with dinner.
After the wine I was feeling all aglow and at one with everybear, as you are in the circumstances.
So back we went to the bridge and I sat on the lovelocks and I wanted to have a little snooze, but he said that I might fall in the river and would never be seen again and that wouldn't do. So I just sat on the parapet and waved at the world until it was time to go to bed.Termorrer we're off again to somewhere to have special food and such with Ann and Zeke. Then those two (Ann and Zeke that is) are off to America on Sunday. Then in a week or so his nibs and I are off in Uncle Ian's E-Type to Le Mans for a boys toys trip. Hoorah. See you then!
Oh my! What an adventure! Although I'm quite with you on the bear blowing bubbles. I'm not sure that being big is enough of an excuse but remember if he had come home with you, you might have had to share a larger portion of your dinners and glasses of wine and chocolates. I hope you and Zeke do something nice for Ann for her birthday. Maybe lots of cake and lots of wine? Just don't get on your motorbike afterwards! All that cake might make you drive funny.
PS Sebastian says hi!
*hic* would seem to cover most of that...
Jack, Boo & The Clan