Monday, 2 April 2012

Well Hello There

Hello everybody, my name's Jock, Wee Jock, and I'm a peripatetic bear.  That just means I like to travel with my friends Alan and Ann.  If you follow me you'll get to see where I go to.

I came from Glasgow and I was created by LT at The Littlest Thistle for Alan who is her Dad. My birthday was 29th March so I'm wee and inexperienced. Bear with me as I learn all about blogging (You're already a comedian I see - Alan).

Of course I've done a bit of travelling already - in bubble wrap - huh. As I said to LT when I sent her an e-mail.
"That was a scary journey, flung and rumbled and bounced and all in the dark!  Now Alan has kindly released me and I have met him and Ann.  Now they tell me I'm going on an even bigger journey to a hot place called India.  I hope I won't be tumbled and jounced again (No, that won't happen Jock. I promise - Alan), but still I'm looking forward to it."

Like my friend Jack I won't post all the time, but I will try to post when I travel.  Alan says we'll be doing that a lot, oh goody because I have permanently itchy feet, so keep an eye out for me, won't you.

Our Indian adventure starts on Thursday when we get a great big plane from London to Delhi.  This trip is to help Alan and Ann celebrate their ahem birthdays which have taken place in this last year.  Alan says age is only a number, whatever that means. All I can say is it must be a BIG number as he has lots of grey hair (Watch it you cheeky we bear!)

Before we go we have to pack and I'll keep you updated on that.  I'm ready to roll, I don't know what all the fuss is about (Well Jock, you have fur and we have to take clothes and stuff - cameras and computers too to show your adventures - Alan) Whatever, there we are, I'll be back soon.



  1. Hi Jock,

    Welcome to "Blogland". It's going to be such fun following your adventures.

    Hugs ♥

  2. Lovely to meet you wee Jock, you sound so much better behaved than that other wee bear, you know, the one that reminds me of Father Jack... Hope you and the owners have a wonderful trip.

  3. Hi Wee Jock, we are so glad you are entering The blog world.
    I can't wait to hear of your adventures. I have never been to India. Do you have to wear a turban when you go there?
    Happy Easter,

  4. I love the sound of your journey wee Jock and will be watching with interest. xx

  5. Heehee! Wee Jock dinna fash yersel! Have a good trip and come back safely!

  6. I'm sure that you - Kathy - meant to create yet another wonderfull bear.. But being together with your father can create monsters out of anything...

    Looking forward to follow the monster's trip around India... I am sure "somebody" will take wonderfull pictures of Wee Jock...


Thanks for stopping by.